Thursday, November 19, 2009

When to Send a News Release? (Part 1)

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Though the news release might be the most recognized aspect of public relations, I still find many business hesitant (or resistant) to utilizing them. “We don’t really have anything important enough to send out in a news release,” they will say.

The inherent thinking seems to be that unless the news is dire (the CEO just skipped the country in the company helicopter) or earth-shattering (the sales this year were enough to hire Donald Trump as our HR Manager), there’s no need for an announcement to the media.

However, if you look around your organization and give it a little thought, I’m certain you can come up with some valid reason to send out a news release, at least to your local media.

Consider these Reasons to do a News Release:

* Something New to announce. Obviously, buying a new printer for the Intern is not newsworthy, but starting a new business certainly is. A new product or service are also valid reasons to send out a release. Perhaps you have a new website or some new advance in your industry. Have you changed locations, expanded or merged with another company? Maybe you've just signed a major client or big contract, or partnered with another organization for collaboration on project. Have you brought in new executive leadership (CEO, COO, President)? Has one of your key staff member received a recent promotion? Did you retain the services of specialist (For example...a talented PR Consultant to help with your news releases?) for a particular project, event or to better equip your organization for the future? Those are all good reasons for a release.

* Special Recognition is involved. If` you, your organization or someone in your company receives a recognition, that’s a reason to send out a release. Was your business acknowledged for community service, fundraising for a local charity or for a special contribution to your industry? Did your CEO or Executive Director receive an award for leadership, for service or were they honored by your industry? If so, send out a news release. Success is a valid reason to share, so speak up and tell to the world. (BTW, you can even send out a release when you or your company is nominated. As we all know from watching the Oscars, “it’s an honor just to be nominated.” So...share the honor.)

Moreover, if your company chooses to recognize someone for an accomplish, that’s a reason to send a release. Do you award grants? You can send out a release when the grant is offered and when a recipient is chosen. Did you have a contest winner? Promote the contest when it begins and then publicize the person who won. Has one of your sales associates exceeded a goal? Do you give out awards for longtime employment or honor "green" suppliers? Do you provide scholarships or has one of your employees received a scholarship (especially within your industry)? Those are valid reasons to consider sending out a news release.

Almost every industry has some kind of credentialing process, whether it’s called certification, licensing or accreditation. (In the PR industry, it's the APR--Accredited in Public Relations and it's a major accomplishment!) When someone in your organization successfully completes that process, it should be applauded. Send out a release.

There are more reasons to send a release, so we’ll continue this discussion in our next post. And as always, your thoughts and insights are welcomed.

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Sonia Schenker said...

A timely and helpful article. I'd like to add that with local media outlets cutting back on writers, they need content. So, a well composed and newsworthy press release has a relatively high likelihood of being published.

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